Friday, December 14, 2007

Bear has been Dunked

Bear was baptized in all his naked glory on Saturday, December 5 at approximately 5:55pm PST.

It was an amazing moment for me and DH. The angels seemed to sweep down from Heaven as Father held the babe above the holy water font to dunk him three times in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. And then, the pastor held naked Bear up, Lion King-style, to show him to the congregation. I was so verklempt I could hardly see Father to thank him through my tears.

Life is full of big moments and little moments. I love the little ones, but thank God for the big ones. When I hear the angels sing and I know God and community are paying attention, it humbles me to the core. Life is lived in Ordinary Time, but thank goodness for the Sacred.

We had a kick-butt party for about 45 of our favorite folks. The food was a hit, the Mexican Coke flew out the fridge, and everyone left happy and stuffed.

Meanwhile, I was ensconced in the nursery for practically the whole party with a very tired Bear. Turns out, he doesn't really like wearing dresses and having all manner of stinky annointing oils smeared all over his head, chest and shoulders. While the Church explains the annointing as "keeping infants slick and slippery from the grasp of evil," Bear would have been happy to go without the balsam scent and drippy viscose of that stuff.

Bear has a cold, I've been exhausted, and I haven't posted all week. We have to run to Bear's new Montessori school now, it's time to do the meet-and-greet with the teachers and get him used to the new place. Will post photos of the baptism when I have time, but for now, suffice it to say that we're all very, very happy and still very, very tired from celebrating Bear's entry into God's kingdom.

Life is good.


Lorraine said...

It was a beautiful sacrament and we were so happy to be there. Of course, I'm not sure I'll ever forget the chrism flavored host I received from Father. THAT was a taste treat. Not.

Kimberly Ann said...
