Thursday, December 6, 2007

I Don't Get It...

Admitedly, I have not read the book. So I prop myself up with ignorance on this one, but I just don't get it.

I watch Oprah every once in a while. And for the second time, I saw this Elizabeth Gilbert lady talking about her book, Eat Pray Love. I haven't read the thing, idea what the big fuss is. I just find it odd that this woman is achieving near-guru status. What's that all about?

Now I'm wishing I had not opted out of my book group the month they read this book. I think I may be the only woman on the planet who has not read this book. Whatever.


Lorraine said...

That's 2 of us. We can sit around and shake our heads of not knowing together.

Kimberly Ann said...

I haven't read it and I won't. I can't stand the Dr.-Phil-Guru-on-TV kinda thing.

Seattle Coffee Girl said...

Yeah, LT and KA...that's what I'm thinking. It's a head shaker, if ever there was one. Gurus aren't my thing, for sure.